Crime map shows Gloucestershire areas with highest crime rates recorded until Sept 2024. Gloucester leads at 117 crimes per 1,000.
Crime rates help compare different areas fairly by showing crimes per 1,000 residents. Gloucester has the highest rate in Gloucestershire, with 117 crimes for every 1,000 people. Cheltenham follows with 84 crimes, and Stroud has 55 crimes per 1,000 people.
National crime data reveals shifts in several categories. Homicides decreased by four percent last year, while knife offenses increased by four percent. Firearm offenses rose by nineteen percent, and robbery increased by four percent. Shoplifting saw a big jump of twenty-three percent.
England and Wales also conducted a yearly crime survey using face-to-face interviews. This poll measures crime’s amount and impact, estimating 9.5 million “headline” crimes, including theft, fraud, and violence, in the year ending September 2024.
That’s about a million more crimes than last year, largely due to a rise of 19% in fraud cases. The survey collected further data, revealing that about 4.4 million people faced harassment, around 2.2 million were victims of domestic abuse, stalkers targeted 1.6 million people, and sexual assault affected 1.0 million.